Hi,welcome to Changzhou Leanevey Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. !


Address : 96 changjiang zhong lu, xinbei district, changzhou city, jiangsu province, China

Contact : 0519-81889669

Automatic winding machine
  • 本机型特点:

    0、可选膜料自动错边位置预调整及精度保持功能。 1. With bilateral cleaning, outer fifilm and inner light-sandwich fifilm protection, the winding effffect of large diameter core can be improved. The inner  diameter of elements can reach 125 mm and the outer diameter can reach  168 mm. 2. It has the function of automatic tightening and automatic pre-pressing  of key-type fifilm material. 3. It has the function of automatic elimination and classifification of the fifirst  defective products. 4. This machine adopts PLC + touch screen control, with capacity, tension,  pressure calculation, storage and reading functions. 5. The pressure of the main wheel is controlled by pneumatic double  pressure wheel; the pressure of the wheel is adjustable; and the pressure is  controlled by electric proportional valve. 6. The whole machine is controlled by Panasonic AC servo system, and the  winding tension is controlled by Japanese precision low friction cylinder,  which can improve the accuracy and compensate the tension when the  speed is lowered. 7. Metallized fifilm material axis unwinding has translation follow-up  flflattening roller mechanism to effffectively prevent fifilm material wrinkling;  material tray movement adopts double-column guidance to improve the  movement accuracy. 8. It has the function of I/O signal status display of PLC; fault alarm has  visual display of fault guidance solution. 9. It has the function of secondary heat seal. The time and pressure of  primary heat seal and secondary heat seal can be set separately, which is  convenient for the later process. 10. Pre-adjustment of automatic stagger position and accuracy maintenance funciton of optional film mateerial.

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  • Tel:0519-81889669



  • Address:96 changjiang zhong lu, xinbei district, changzhou city, jiangsu province, China


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